Friday, 15 July 2016

Thinking about a JZR

Well this is the first post about the possibility of owning a JZR.

I have always liked Morgan 3 wheelers... just something about them. In the past I have had a Caterham but now think it is the turn of a M3Wesque styled car... I can't afford one of the new Morgan 3 wheelers: (

There are a few options for me to consider:

  • Triking
  • Aero Cycle Cars, Aero Merlin, Spitfire Art (what ever it is called... confused)
  • Pembleton
  • JZR
I've had a good look around and JZR looks the best option for me, John Ziemba's workshop is about 8 miles away from where I live, the price is considerably cheaper than others as far as I can see, he's been in the game a long time and the car looks great. Obvious choice for me.

So I've fancied building a kit car for a long time but do I have the skills (the more I look at what is involved the more scared I get)? So the toss up is either buy one that someone else has built and miss the experience of building my own car to the specification and look that I would choose, or risk under estimating the time, skill and patience that is required to build a JZR. Decisions!

Well I'm starting doing my research. I've joined the JZR Pilots' Association. I've been and had a look at one JZR, nice but not sure that one was right for me and still to early in the decision making process to whether it was the one for me... might regret not buying farther down the road.

Decisions so far:
Beetle Back
Moto Guzzi, (preferably carb rather than EFI)
Non Q plate
Skinny wheels (I'm hoping Motor Wheel Services WW5771-BLACK (2 1/2" x 19") will do)

I went up to Darwen to have chat with John Z the other day, I asked him what he thought was the most difficult part of the build... 'making the decision to do it', was his reply! 

Anyone have a good Guzzi California at a reasonable price: )

If you have a JZR and are local...ish to Bolton I'd love to come over and have a chat.

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